The Best Way to Hike with Cannabis 

There’s nothing like hitting the trail for a good hike. The sun, the smell of the earth, and the feel of the wind help ground us in the present moment and enjoy the beauty of nature. If you’re also a cannabis consumer, weed can be a great addition to your hiking bag; for motivation, a quick break, and a boost when things get hard. When it comes to hiking with cannabis, nothing beats a vape. 

The best way to hike with cannabis

Taking a hike with cannabis isn’t as simple as it sounds. The wind can smoke more of your joint than you can, edibles melt in the sun, and packing a bowl outside gets messy quickly. Vapes are the best way to consume cannabis on your hikes without spilling ground flower, licking chocolate off a wrapper, or letting the wind take half of your joint. 

With vapes, there’s no lighter or grinder required. It doesn’t matter if it’s a bluebird day or pouring rain – your vape is there whenever you need a cannabis boost on the trail.

Green Airo Sport in Woman's Hand

The best vape for hiking 

With a long-lasting charge, strong body, and thoughtful design, Airo vapes are the best way to hike with cannabis.

Built to last

Not all vapes are created equally to withstand the elements. 

Airo vapes are made with a lightweight and scratch-resistant polycarbonate or aluminum alloy body that is designed to last. Our unibody design keeps the important mechanisms protected from the elements. Accidents happen: vapes can fall out of your pocket, bounce on a rock, or take a tumble down a dirt hill. You need to know your vape is built to last – not crack at the first impact. 

To reduce the chances of a fall, only hit your vape when you’re stopped hiking – not while you’re climbing over rough terrain. 

Long battery life 

When you’re out in the backcountry, finding a USB port to charge your vape is the last thing on your mind. The best vape for hiking has a long battery life that can last the length of your hike, without draining faster if it’s hot or cold outside. If you’re doing an overnight hike, bring a battery pack with a USB port and your vape charger. 

Simple to use

When you’re on the tail end of a long hike, the last thing you want to do is fuss with buttons and settings. The best vape for hiking is simple to use and intuitive in design, letting you hit the vape quickly without worrying about heating up or turning on. Airo’s haptic feedback and intuitive design make it simple to hit your vape anytime. 

Leaves no trace

Vapes are ideal for the principle of Leave No Trace. There’s no wrapper to deal with, no joint but or ash to dispose of. If you finish your Airo pod or your disposable vape on the trail, tuck it in a pocket and dispose of it properly in a garbage can. Do not litter the trail with vapes or pods!  

FAQs about Hiking with Cannabis Vapes 

Can animals smell my vape? 

Animals have a strong sense of smell, and anyone who has camped before knows the importance of not leaving strong scents in the tent at night. Does your vape count as a strong scent? 

The short answer is yes, it does. Vapor is thinner than smoke and dissipates faster, leaving less of a lingering aroma. But given how well animals can smell, vape odor has the possibility of attracting animals’ attention, especially if it smells like fruit, dessert, or flowers instead of weed. 

The best practice for safety when camping with vapes is to store them in a sealed container outside of your tent for the night. Many backpackers keep their vapes in a bear bag overnight. 

How to carry my vape while hiking?

Your vape should always be stored in an upright position to prevent leaks. Beyond that, how you carry your vape on a hike depends on the weather. 

If it’s warm outside, keep your vape in an outside pocket of your backpack. If it’s cool weather, store the vape in an inside pocket of your jacket or pants to keep it warm. And, if the weather is mild and you want easy access to your vape, consider investing in a vape lanyard to keep your vape safe and secure around your neck. 

Can I vape on the trail? 

Yes – with a few restrictions. Vape etiquette states that you shouldn’t vape while you’re in a crowd of people. If there’s a traffic jam while you’re headed down the mountain, wait until you’re alone or more spread out before you hit your vape. No matter how much you love the smell of Sumatran Sunrise, other people may not. 

Some states don’t allow for public consumption of cannabis. While you aren’t likely to be policed for vaping on the trail, keep your local laws in mind and always play it safe. 

Will my vape work at high altitudes? 

Usually, yes. 

Common problems people have with vaping at high altitudes are: 

  • Cold weather reduces the battery life 
  • Leaks in the vape cartridge from air pressure changes 

Airo and AiroSport vapes work well at higher altitudes thanks to the unibody design that protects the heating elements and your pod. Your hits may be smaller due to reduced oxygen levels but your devices should function as normal if you go from Florida to Colorado or from the base of an Adirondack mountain to the summit. However, if you’re climbing Mt. Everest or Mt. Denali, you may have problems vaping at the summit. Wait until you descend to hit your vape.

Can my vape overheat on the trail?

Yes, your vape can overheat if left in hot conditions. If your vape is hot to the touch, let it cool down before hitting it again. Tuck it into a shaded pocket, preferably in your backpack away from body heat. 

There’s nothing like the great outdoors, and the only thing that’s better than getting outside on the trail is doing it with your favorite strains. Airo’s lineup of disposable and rechargeable vapes are the best and easiest way to hike with cannabis. Remember to charge your devices and leave no trace as you enjoy the beauty of the great outdoors! 

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