Why consume cannabis? Ask 1,000 people and get 1,000 answers. The multi-faceted cannabis plant has a long list of benefits, both scientifically backed and anecdotal. But there are reasons that are more common than others and when it comes to consuming weed, there are 10 reasons that stand out above the rest.
The Top 10 Reasons People Consume Cannabis
These are the most commonly reported answers when people are asked: “Why do you consume cannabis?”

1. Pain relief
A 2014 study found that 94% of medical card holders in Colorado reported severe pain as their medical condition. This isn’t an anomaly either – pain relief is generally the most common reason that people turn to cannabis. Pain relief is such a motivating factor that it drives people who have never previously consumed cannabis before to give the plant a try.
Both THC and CBD are known to have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties (a scientific way of saying pain relieving.) A 2017 review of research concluded that there is “substantial evidence that cannabis is an effective treatment for chronic pain in adults.”

2. Relaxation
A 2009 study that interviewed 104 cannabis consumers in Canada found that relaxation was the top reason for cannabis consumption, followed by “coping with stress and anxiety” which goes hand in hand.
Cannabis, particularly THC, has the incredible ability to help us let go of stressful events and find a state of mental relaxation, even when it felt impossible to relax just moments ago. In an increasingly stressful world, with a heavy load of daily responsibilities, who couldn’t use a little help relaxing?

3. Sleep
Did you know that 1 in 3 Americans aren’t getting enough sleep? That shocking statistic comes straight from the CDC, and is measured as “less than seven hours of sleep a night.” But as cannabis lovers have long known, the plant can help with that. A study done by the Journal of Sleep Medicine in 2023 found that THC can:
- Decrease the time it takes to fall asleep
- Increase deep sleep
- Decrease the instances of waking up after falling asleep.
Many cannabis consumers enjoy edibles to help them sleep. In the time that it takes for the edible to “kick in” you can go through your nighttime routine and get settled in bed, allowing yourself to drift off on sweet waves of sleepiness.

4. Dealing with anxiety and stress
Who doesn’t get a little stressed out from time to time? There are many ways of dealing with stress, and cannabis is a common one. However, use caution here: THC has biphasic effects, which means opposite effects at small and large doses. At least one study has shown that low doses of THC can reduce stress, while higher doses can actually increase it. CBD is particularly useful for dealing with stress, without the negative side effects of THC at higher doses.

5. Mood boost/ activity enjoyment.
A study of over 2,000 college students found that “enjoyment” (defined as “be happy, get high, enjoy feeling) was a driving reason for over a quarter of respondents, and over half of the surveyed students agreed.
A further 15% noted enhancing experiences, making things more fun, and enhancing activities as their reason for consuming cannabis, which is basically the same thing. THC has euphoric properties that help turn around even the worst day and make the most boring activities (like folding laundry and mopping) more enjoyable. There’s nothing wrong with seeking out more joy in life!

6. Better sex
Cannabis has a long and steamy history as an aphrodisiac. And to put it bluntly – weed makes people horny. When studied, people who consumed cannabis reported:
- Higher levels of sexual desire
- More intense orgasms
- Masturbating more frequently
- More satisfying sexual experiences
There are gender differences in how cannabis affects desire, and women experience stronger increases in desire and orgasms when consuming. In fact, cannabis has been tapped as a potential tool to help end the orgasm gap!
One study from 2024 found that 72% of women who had struggled to orgasm were able to do so more easily and more frequently with cannabis, and even noted that increased frequency of consumption correlated with more orgasms – what’s not to love about that? (High doses of cannabis may not have these effects, so dose accordingly on your next date night.)

7. Working out
Runner’s high? Try running, high. Despite the clamor around cannabis as a performance enhancement, research has found the opposite. What studies have identified, instead, is that cannabis consumers have more fun while working out.
A 2024 study in Sports Medicine found that 90% of participants enjoyed their workout more after consuming cannabis. They also mentioned that the plant helped them focus on and stay motivated with the workout. If running isn’t your thing, you can try high yoga, meditating while baked, hiking while high, or a number of other activities to stimulate your endocannabinoid system.

8. Relieving nausea
One of the most studied effects of THC is its antiemetic properties, or how it helps relieve nausea. This first came to light during the AIDs crisis when cannabis was found to help people who suffered from chronic wasting disease, although cannabis has a long history of relieving nausea as well. The most notable aspect of cannabis for nausea is the speed at which it works, particularly when inhaled, delivering relief in mere minutes.

9. GI distress
Among the less glamorous reasons for cannabis consumption is gastrointestinal distress. Your endocannabinoid system has receptors on every organ in your body, including throughout your GI system.
Cannabis is being studied for its effects on GI ailments, such as IBS, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn’s disease, which are now being explored as potential problems from endocannabinoid system regulation. Given how the plant can help with both nausea and anxiety, it makes sense that people would turn to the plant to ease GI distress, although concrete scientific evidence is lacking.

10. Specific condition relief
Cannabis first broke back into the mainstream media as a potentially helpful substance for people with cancer who had no appetite. Since then, the scientific research on cannabis’ application for conditions like multiple sclerosis, seizure disorders, chronic nausea, wasting syndrome, fibromyalgia, arthritis, PTSD, and other ailments has only increased.
Cannabis has an incredible amount of potential to help people with specific conditions where modern medicine fell short. The cannabis legalization movement started with medical patients and we have them to thank for the abundance of cannabis products that we can enjoy today.
And there you have it! The reasons that people consume cannabis are as varied as the expression of the plant herself. If you’re looking for a fast and effective way to benefit from cannabis, without smoke, odor, or harsh aftertastes, Airo vapes are the answer. Shop our lineup of reusable and disposable vapes, and our wide variety of cartridges: live resin, live rosin, strain, and artisan to find what works best for you.